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Doctors Are The Third Leading Cause of Death

Learn about the 3rd leading cause of death in America is from doctors

Did you know in the US that doctors are killing 225,000 people every year?

See statistics of the 3rd leading cause of death through medical errors cause of death

Dr. Barbara Starfield of the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health gives statistics on the US health care system contributing to poor health to their patients exposing the 3rd leading cause of death through medical errors cause o death.
  • 12,000 -- unnecessary surgery
  • 7,000 -- medication errors in hospitals
  • 20,000 -- other errors in hospitals
  • 80,000 -- infections in hospitals
  • 106,000 -- non-error, adverse effects of drugs - common bacterial infections in hospitals
First, the data are derived from studies in hospitalized patients.

Second, these estimates are for deaths only and do not include adverse effects associated with disability or discomfort.

Third, the estimates of death due to doctor error.

Out of 13 countries in a recent comparison, the United States ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom) for 16 available health indicators.

Are you happy with your doctor?  Did you know there is a better way?  God still heals today when you genuinely understand His word and learn how to apply God's word in your life.  It brings healing!

by: Traci Morin
a Christian Healing and Deliverance Ministry: Touch of God International Ministries


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