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Addictions Bible Verses

The Bible Verses to Break Addictions in Your Life Reasons for Addictions What is the root of addictions? The need to be loved, according to Pastor Henry Wright. We are separated from the love of God which leads us to engage in things that can deaden the pain that exists in our lives. This book and CD teaching not only identify the root of all addictions but provide insights to help you walk out of bondage into freedom. If you or someone you love struggles with any kind of addiction (i.e., alcohol, drugs, sex), these resources are for you. Areas that produce addictions: Legal drugs Illegal drugs Spiritual bewitchment Inordinate affection Ungodly relationships False burden bearing Causes of Substance Abuse Many people need an insight into the Father's Love. They may be hard on themselves, cannot forgive themselves, and live with guilt, like a self-hatred attitude towards themselves. List of Addiction Spirits for Deliverance: Addiction spirits Witchcraft Drunkenness Deception Inherite...
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